The beginning of a great adventure

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Klaipėda University and Curonian national park administration started preparation works for pilot installations in Juodkrantė. This year two floating islands will be installed at Juodkrantė – one at so called 14th kilometer bay and the other at Amber bay. Both islands are produced by external supplier Biomatrix Waters Solutions with special attention to natural materials which are non-toxic and fully recyclable. Floating islands will be planted with native and local plants, which root system will uptake nutrients to reduce sediment concentration. Before planting, local plants are dug and moved to temporary nursery. The selection of plant species was prepared by university’s botanist Raimonda Ilginė in collaboration with Curonian national park administration. Plant species were specifically selected for different type of installations (net type, island or barrier type, coastal panel – erosion prevention) to improve and support both restoration and rehabilitation of coastal habitats and local enhancement of water quality. Plants for island / barrier type installation in Amber bay are selected not only for they ability to absorb but also to form decorative flowering and foliage (Common rush, Narrowleaf cattail, Moneywort, Sweet flag, Yellow loosestrife, Flowering rush, Nodding beggartick etc.).

The islands in Juodkrante will be installed at the beginning of May.