
The Baltic Lagoon Network (BALLOON) is an informal network, linking institutions, groups and individual scientists interested in interdisciplinary research and management of lagoons and areas with restricted water exchange in the Baltic Sea region.
There is no formal membership or a membership fee. BALLOON is open for all interested individuals, groups and institutions and invites them to participate.


  • To facilitate and strengthen cross-border research, management and co-operation in Baltic lagoons and to provide a forum for exchange and discussion;
  • To represent the Baltic lagoon research community in the broader international scope and to co-operate with similar organizations in other Eco-Regions of the European Union with the aim to strengthen European lagoon research;
  • To develop joint and cross-border projects focused on Baltic lagoon research and to carry out joint research on specific relevant topics, like climate change, biodiversity etc. by hosting thematic focus groups;
  • To improve data and information availability about Baltic lagoons and data exchange between participants as well as to enhance the dissemination of scientific results;
  • To support awareness-rising about ecological problems and to support the sustainable management in coastal lagoons by providing scientific results and accompanying research;
  • To support the implementation of European policies in the Baltic area (e.g. Water Framework Directive, Natura 2000, ICZM-Recommendations etc.).

National contacts

Denmark Marianne Holmer
Estonia Georg Martin
Finland Ilppo Vuorinen
Germany Gerald Schernewski
Latvia Juris Aigars
Lithuania Artūras Razinkovas-Baziukas
Poland Piotr Margonski
Russian Federation Boris Chubarenko
Sweden Kristina Sundbäck