
Keynote speakers

Øivind Bergh is principal Scientist in Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway. His research interests are interactions between aquaculture and the environment, synergies and conflicts with other human activities in the coastal zone. In particular spreading of fish diseases has been a study area. Øivind Bergh was a coordinator of the COEXIST project during 2010-2013. Also he’s an author of about 100 scientific papers.
Lecture title: Towards sustainable coexistence of aquaculture and fisheries

 Bela H. Buck is member of the ICES Working Group on Marine Shellfish Culture (WGMASC) – Head of the AWI-Working Group “Marine Aquaculture, Maritime Technologies and ICZM” – Professorship for “Applied Marine Biology” at the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven – Right to award doctorates at the University of Bremen – President of the German Aquaculture Association. Research interests: Applied Marine Biology and Maritime Technologies – Multi-Use of Offshore Wind Farms – Offshore Aquaculture – Shellfish & Seaweed Cultivation – Culture Techniques and System Design – Bioremediation and Ecological Engineering – Site-Selection
Lecture title: Potentials and Constraints of Aquaculture in the Anthropocene

Patrick Doody works as coastal ecological consultant at National Coastal Consultants, Brampton, Huntingdon, UK. His current area of research interest is historical change on the British Coast.
Lecture title: Sand dune conservation, the answer is blowing in the wind

Maria Ferreira is a Head of International Programme Unit, Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC), Leiden, The Netherlands. The EUCC is directly involved in formulating innovative European coastal policy aimed at a sustainable use of the coastline whilst protecting areas of high natural values. The work is being primarily conducted in the European Union and the regional seas – the eastern Atlantic seaboard, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Maria Ferreira is a re-known expert on international coastal & marine policy.
Lecture title: Integrated Coastal Management experiences and perspectives (canceled)

Jacobus Hofstede is  Deputy Head of the Division Flood Defence, Coastal Protection and Harbours in the Schleswig-Holstein State Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas. His professional focus is on sustainable strategies for coastal risk management. Since 1989 he has published about 65 articles on coastal geomorphology and coastal risk management:
J. Hofstede Climate Change and the Need for Integrated Coastal Risk Management in the Baltic Sea – Global Change and Baltic Coastal Zones, 2011 – Springer.
J. Hofstede Climate change and coastal adaptation strategies: the Schleswig-Holstein perspective – Baltica, 2008 –
J. Hofstede A new coastal defense master plan for Schleswig-Holstein – Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline …, 2004.
J. Hofstede Integrated management of artificially created salt marshes in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany – Wetlands Ecology and management, 2003 – Springer.
J. Hofstede Comrisk–A transnational project of public authorities on coastal risk management – Flood Risk Management in Europe, 2007 – Springer.
Lecture title: Perspectives on management of coastal flooding and coastal erosion

Jan Kube is the Environmental Manager for Germany, Nord Stream AG, Zug, Switzerland. He studied Biology (Rostock, 1992) and obtained a Ph.D. in Marine Biology (Institute of Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, 1996). During his career, he worked almost all around the Baltic Sea. His research fields covered a wide range of ecological and zoological topics, e.g. marine invertebrate ecology, sea bird ecology, bird migration, meadow bird breeding biology, and others. After a post doc employment at Greifswald University he became a Senior Project Manager at the private Institute of Applied Ecology in Rostock, Germany. He was engaged there in a variety of offshore infrastructure development projects, the development of biological monitoring strategies and specific monitoring tools for offshore wind farms, as well as nature conservation projects like the designation of Natura 2000 sites in the Baltic Sea. Currently, he is an employee of Nord Stream AG in Zug, Switzerland, working as the Environmental Manager for Germany. His engagement covered the entire project development and construction phase of this offshore pipeline project, including planning & permitting, construction mitigation & monitoring, and environmental compensation.
Lecture title: Prevention, mitigation and compensation – the relevance of efficient biological monitoring during the construction of the Nord Stream pipelines under consideration of legal constraints

Frank Maes studied Diplomatic Sciences (Ghent University, 1984), Shipping Law (UFSIA, 1986) and obtained a Ph.D. in Law (Ghent University, 1996). He is Professor of Public International Law in the Faculty of Law at Ghent University and has been guest lecturer at several foreign universities. His main field of research is international environmental law, protection of ocean and seas, law of the sea and freshwater law. He is research director of the Maritime Institute (Ghent University), promoter of various projects and PhD’s, author of several publications and research reports (see publications). He is member of the International Law Association’s Committee on Space Law and alternate member of the Committee on International Law on Sustainable Development, president of the United Nations Association (Flanders), member of the management board of the Centre for Sustainable Development (Ghent University), member of the working group “International relations” of the Federal Council for Sustainable Development, member of the co-ordination group for the preparation of the Belgian position in the CSD and UNEP. He is member of the Specialized Panels Established Pursuant to the Permanent Court of Arbitration Optional Rules for Arbitration of Disputes Relating to Natural Resources and/or the Environment.
Lecture title: The integration of nature conservation into the marine spatial planning process

Paul Rooney is the Deputy Head of Geography, Senior Lecturer, Director of the Sand Dune and Shingle Network at Liverpool Hope University. He is an environmental geographer with an international reputation and expertise in coastal sand dunes. Established the Sand Dune and Shingle Network in 2006, and direct this initiative with a team based in the Geography Department. The aim of the Network is to conserve sand dunes and shingle as dynamic landscapes. In an extension to the UK focus of Sand Dune and Shingle Network, now driving the development of the European Dune Network in association with the EUCC-Coastal and Marine Union. He’s the Award Director of MSc in Environmental Management. This is a long established programme and is one of the best recruiting and most successful postgraduate programmes at Liverpool Hope. In 2010 he was awarded the title ‘Enterprise Fellow’ by the University in recognition of an outstanding and sustained contribution to enterprise activities undertaken in the field of environmental management. Between 2004 – 2006 he was a Learning and Teaching Fellow with special responsibility for Supporting Student Success. This Fellowship included the roles of Award Director for Personal Development Planning (PDP) and coordinator for Personal Tutoring across the University.
Lecture title: Conservation strategies and management of sand dunes

Albert Salman is the Head of sustainable development unit, Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) Leiden, The Netherlands.
Lecture title: Sustainable Tourism: QualityCoast and the Green Destinations initiative